Cookie banners have apparead towards the late 2000's, following a change in the ePrivacy Directive. They have proliferated since the entry into application of the GDPR, in 2018. In principle, cookies may indeed only be stored and read on a user's device with her consent. Yet these cookies are still massively used for the purpose of creating personalised ad profiles and displaying targeted advertisements on the a user's device.
This programmatic advertisement is at the heart of the business model of a great number of websites. They have deployed a broad range of technics to produce their visitors' "consnt", and to prove compliance. But "consent" has, in fact, many meanings. It is the manifestation of a will, but it can also mean the act of surrendering to somebody's will, while also being, in some cases, the product of the act of consent, when this "consent" is collected.
The GDPR has a very precise definition of consent. But this is not always the definition which is reflected in design practices. The analysis of cookie banners requires an interdisciplinary gaze. It raises questions in law, but also economics, information and communication sciences, socio-linguistics and computer science.
Who produces these banners? How? From the Law to a user's click, how is "consent" produced on the Web? When is it deemed valid from a legal standpoint? Do these legal requirements affect the adtech market and business models on the Web?
These are all questions that will be addressed in this conference.
Provisional program
Jour 1 - 4 avril
10h : Introducing remarks Arrah-Marie Jo & Julien Rossi (ENG ou FR)
10h15 - 11h15 : Panel 1 : Competition in the AdTech market
Pierre-François Darlas (Telecom Paris) - AdTech dominance: Effects of vertical relations in the online display advertising market (ENG)
Amaury Brandenburg, Arrah-Marie Jo, Thomas Letexier et Eric Malin (U. Rennes et IMT Atlantique) : Horizontal licensing of an AdTech when the use of third-party cookies is prevented (ENG)
11h15 - 11h30 : Break
11h30 - 12h30: Panel 2 - Did AdTech adopt or adapt the GDPR?
Kevin Mellet (Sciences Po) et Thomas Beauvisage (Orange) - Regulating the market through consent? Advertising professionals facing the European Regulation on personal data (ENG)
Arrah-Marie Jo (IMT Atlantique) - TCF, tracking behaviours and market concentration (ENG)
Discussion : Julien Rossi
12h30 - 14h : Lunch
14h - 15h:Keynote par Arianna Rossi (SnT - Université de Luxembourg): How might users’ consent decisions be influenced? The case of loss-gain framing (ENG)
15h - 16h : Panel 3 - De la production à la réception du « consentement »
Gudrun Ledegen (Rennes 2) et Jean-Marc Leblanc (U-PEC) : L'analyse socio-linguistique des discours des bandeaux cookies (TBC)
Florian Hémont (Rennes 2) et Julien Rossi (Paris 8 - Rennes 2) : L'évolution de la mise en scène du « consentement » par les bandeaux cookies, 2020 - 2021
16h00 - 16h15 : Break
16h15 - 17h30 : Table-ronde multi-partie-prenantes : quel avenir pour la publicité programmatique à l'heure des nouvelles réglementation de la protection des données personnelles ?
Invités confirmés : Alexandre Nderagakura (Expert AdTech indépendant), Romain Bessuges-Meusy (Axeptio), Didier Kurz (DPO Groupe Ouest-France et membre de l'AFCDP), Designers Ethiques (TBC)
Jour 2 - 5 avril
9h30 : Introduction par Florian Hémont (Rennes 2)
9h45 - 10h45 : Keynote par Nataliia Bielova (INRIA) :Protecting Privacy of Web users: technical and legal perspectives (ENG)
10h45-11h00 : Break
11h00 - 12h00 :Panel 1 - Le consentement dans la recherche en informatique
Benoît Combemale, Johann Bourcier, Walter Rudatmekin (U. Rennes et U. de Lille) : Vers l'automatisation des tests de logiciels pour la réglementation en matière de protection de la vie privée
Imane Fouad (INRIA - U. Lille) : Detection and measurement of web tracking
12h00 - 13h30 : Lunch
13h30-14h30 : Keynote par Maxence Christelle (UPJV) : Du consentement aux consentements : permanence et variations
14h30-15h30 : Panel 2 : Le consentement au titre du RGPD
Clément Cousin (UCO) :Pour une relativisation de la puissance du consentement à partir d'une analyse socio-juridique du consentement en matière dépôt de cookies
Gaël Hénaff (Rennes 2) : Le consentement du mineur en ligne et la fable de la majorité numérique
Discussion : Sandrine Turgis (U. Rennes)
15h30 - 15h45 : Break
15h45 - 16h45 : Karl Pineau (École de Design Nantes Atlantique et Designers éthiques) et Flora Brochier (Designers éthiques) : Comment mesurer et évaluer le design persuasif des interfaces numériques ? Propositions d'une association de professionnels du design
Discussion : Christine Petr (UBS LEGO)
Université de Rennes,Université Rennes 2, IMT-Atlantique, GIS-M@rsouin, PREFics, LIRiS